Register for the 2024 Tyson Tour

All golfers should watch the following rules video and pass the rules quiz below before registering for the 2024 season. Once the rules quiz has been submitted, you may click the link below and register for events.

Registration opens May 1.


Watch the Video


Take the Quiz

1. Following the rules of golf, and being honest in all aspects of your play, showing consideration to others by playing at a good pace and looking out for the safety of others, taking care of the course by replacing divots, smoothing bunkers and repairing ball marks on putting greens will make you a good playing companion.
2. You should play your shots in no more than 40 seconds. The rules of golf allow you to play out of turn to maintain a good pace of play.
3. It is important to know the five areas of the golf course as they relate to the rules of golf. The “General Area” includes the entire course except the teeing area of the hole you are playing; the putting green of the hole you are playing; all penalty areas; and all bunkers.
4. You should always put an identification mark on your golf ball so that you can identify it.
5. If your ball lands in a place where you cannot play it as it lies, you can take unplayable ball relief and add one penalty stroke to your score. There are two options, stroke, and distance relief, or drop within 2 club lengths of where your golf ball lies.
6. In a bunker you are allowed to touch the sand with your club before you hit the ball?
7. If your ball ends up in a penalty area such as a water hazard you have two relief options for a yellow penalty area and three options for a red penalty area.
8. At the end of your round, you will thank the golfers that you played with, and you must make sure that the scorecard is completed properly and signed by you and your marker.
9. Unless otherwise stated in a local rule, once you have teed off from the teeing area you must play the ball as it lies and play the course as you find it.
10. Exceptions to playing the ball as it lies include receiving free relief from a cart path, or temporary water.
11. Your golf ball is lost if you cannot find it within 3 minutes from when you start to search for it. Penalty relief is known as “Stroke and Distance” relief, and you add two strokes to your score and go back to where you last played and play your next shot from there.


Event Registration

Thank you for submitting your online rules quiz. Click the button below to sign up for individual events through our registration portal.